Wednesday, April 15, 2009

May 7 - Alan Niven

Alan Niven will lead the morning session on May 7, commencing at 9.30 am and leading us through to lunch at 12.15. The following summary explains what Alan is hoping to achieve in the session:

Title: "How Are You Going? Who Knows?"
Alan will explore the theological and pastoral background of ministry appraisals or reviews. In the complex mix of faith, personality, ministry and culture it is often extremely difficult to develop a "sober estimate" of our ability or to come up with a reasonable response to the question "How are you going?". Our spiritual health and wellbeing are strongly linked to these two issues but how can we undertake appraisals that are helpful, accurate, empowering and safe for all concerned? This approach is not really interested in a 'quick fix' or developing 'ten steps to a good appraisal'. It is affirming of the integrity, theology, context and reflective skills of the minister and assumes an environment of collaborative ministry. Your feedback and questions on the day will be very helpful.

1. How am I going?
2. Who knows?
3. How will I find out?
4. What will I do with what I find out?
5. Where is God in all of this and what might I hear?

Alan Niven is Vice-Principal and lecturer in Pastoral Studies at the Churches of Christ Theological College. In addition to his normal teaching interests Alan has road-tested a number of pilot appraisals within other traditions and aspects of the outcomes are being explored amongst South Australian Churches of Christ. He went through his own first appraisal in his first post-college ministry in 1983 and survived to tell the tale.

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